
Born in Beijing and grew up in Hong Kong, Danny Hui received his undergraduate education at the University of Hong Kong and the Kingston University, London. He obtained the Master of Philosophy (in Musicology) degree from the University of Cambridge, during which he investigated the relationship between musical performance and musical structure under the supervision of Prof. John Rink. In addition, he holds the Licentiate Diploma of Musical Theory, Analysis and Criticism, as well as the Licentiate Diploma in Piano Recital, both awarded by the Trinity College of Music, London. He was also awarded the Diploma in Piano Performance in distinction by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. Danny’s piano performances have received wide acclaim. Violinist Pinchas Zukerman once described his performance as “with sensitivity and intensity.” Since 2007, Danny has been the affiliated writer for an American music critic website and several Hong Kong newspapers, reviewing classical music recordings and concerts. Articles about Claudio Abbado’s China visit and performances in 2009, both originally written and translated by Danny, were published in the Journal of the NCPC. Danny holds lectureship in the Universidade de Macau.