纳什室内乐团(Nash Ensemble)--双簧管四重奏(Oboe Quartet)
乐器资源网 yueqiziyuan.com总部设在伦敦的纳什,是一个由11个正式成员组成的室内乐团,他们的剧目非常广泛,有利于现代作品。作曲家喜欢英语伦诺克伯克利分校,哈里森比尔威斯特,詹姆斯麦克米兰,安东尼奇。他们大部分演出订阅音乐会在威格莫尔大会堂,但也出现在其他地点,包括英国皇家节日音乐厅的裴熙亮室和女王伊丽莎白二世举行。
"After 40 years and over 250 premières (140 commissions) the Nash Ensemble is still the best champion that any composer could hope to have. Its concerts are always meticulously polished, but what impressed about this heroically well-stuffed programme - two premières and four other chamber pieces, none more than four years old - was the illusion conjured by the players that they lived with this music for years, even if the ink was barely dry on the page. Perhaps it is precisely because the ensemble is not entirely dedicated to doing contemporary work, that it can radiate so persuasive a feeling of new pieces being assimilated into chamber-music heritage stretching back two centuries or more." The Times